This is space reserved for copy that explains the meaning and value of a collection of Life Stories which form the heart of this website. This is space reserved for copy that explains the meaning and value of a collection of Life Stories which form the heart of this website. This is space reserved for copy that explains the meaning and value of a collection of Life Stories which form the heart of this website.
Defining our purpose
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
When you have a disability, fantastic things can happen.
Driving through Winsted on Halloween night, another vehicle crashed into Stew Jones, sending his ribs into his heart and lung. He woke up permanently blind. And yet, fearing he’d never fix a car again, Jones didn’t change course.
News as a way of life
As the editor of a paper in a town he doesn’t live in, John cares deeply about the community he calls his second home. His passion for his craft is exhibited in the stories he chooses to investigate; in his genuine love of the people he writes about; and in his never-ending curiosity in its citizens and the things they do.
His passion inspires others
Imagine you can help grow businesses with programs designed to create a workforce committed to their jobs and local communities; transform once dilapidated neighborhoods into living environments blooming with hope and limitless possibilities. Now stop imagining…because this is real. It is what Ted Carroll sets out to accomplish each day he goes to work.
Devotion to the Community
At 22, Ryan had made his mark in Connecticut history as the youngest person ever elected mayor in the state. Quite an achievement in 2005 considering he was a recent college graduate with a degree in political science and had never before entertained running for public office.
Profit + Social Responsibility
Kate readily credits her family for influencing her business philosophy. She grew up in a household where her parents – a social worker and a science teacher – emphasized that respect for other people was the foundation for a good life.
Family life goes on
Nothing could have prepared Laura and Brett Torrey for the unexpected news after the birth of their second son, Kyle.